About Us

Smartingredientinfo is a functional Food interface and market place that allows Manufacturers and Consumers of Functional foods, supplements and herbal products to interact in a technologically enhanced environment that fosters heightened Information sharing and cumulative data gathering (via product scans, clicks, Likes and rating) which in turn enhances peer purchasing decision making.

Interface 1

The one front is a desktop and cellular browsing feature that allows consumers to search for functional foods by Health or lifestyle issues, location, product or product type.

Interface 2

The other front is Products with a Smartingredientifo Logo and QR code that can be scanned (via a smartphone) instore by consumers in order to obtain more health affiliated information about the ingredients contained in the product.

SmarIngredientsinfo™ was created by a group of individuals with over 50yrs combined experience in the Pharmaceutical, food manufacturing, marketing and sales industry. This after the realisation of the challenges and opportunities that exist with regards to adequate labelling and efficient communication of the health benefits of natural and herbal products.

SmarIngredientsinfo™ takes a holistic approach by trying to address challenges and bring about opportunities for Consumers and Manufacturers by addressing the following issues:


  • Consumers increasingly want more information about the products that they use. When it comes to Food, the need is paramount, when it comes to Health related food, the need is Dire.
  • Proactive Health living (Health purchasing) is highly skewed to upper income groups, by making information more accessible (via cell phones) before point of purchase, lower income groups are empowered to also partake in preventative healthy living.
  • There is a high correlation between income, access to smartphones, health living/spend and information need, thus the more information that can be accessed, the higher the probable spend on health related products where holistic information can be accessed
  • Lifestyle diseases are on the increase, therefore people looking for preventative lifestyles and food and exercise are also on the increase
  • Labels are not carrying enough Health related information insomuch as fragmented information with regards to specific herbs and specific ingredients found in certain products can be found on the internet. SmarIngredientsinfo™ matches the product to the herbal ingredient lifestyle benefit at the click of a button.   
  • There is need by consumers for a Uniform Health signal that can then be dissected down further, instead of just generic logos (e.g. Heart foundation logo & numerous other total health logos). The SmarIngredientsinfo™ therefore comes with a QR code which when scanned takes the consumer to a site that is an increasing repository of information with regards to that product.
  • Consumer adoption of digital age is on the rise, SmarIngredientsinfo™ therefore makes use of this aspect by marrying this trend to Functional foods
  • SmarIngredientsinfo™ provides a Platform for the Consumers need to interact with Health Brands/feedback, by rating and liking products.
  • SmarIngredientsinfo™ continuously provides consumers with a Centralised Data Repository for continuously Informed Decision making.


  •  SmarIngredientsinfo™ provides manufacturers with Label extensions (not enough room on labels to put all health related information). It provides manufacturers with the Opportunity to substantiate and adequately Inform their target audience
  • SmarIngredientsinfo™ also provides Manufacturers with the opportunity to bypass ambiguous labelling regulations by effectively separating, communicating and distinguishing facts from claims.
  • SmarIngredientsinfo™ provides the manufacturer Access to Centralised Web based Marketing repository for Health affiliated brands.
  • SmarIngredientsinfo™ provides Web based Advertising opportunity (picture & streamed adverts)for functional food and other health correlated product manufacturers
  • It provides Trackable feedback (views, likes, rating)
  • It provides Access to global audience for country specific manufacturers
  • It provides Quick access to other global brands in same category, access to trends, product adaptation, product innovation which brands in other countries can access on the same platform
  • SmarIngredientsinfo™ provides comparative branding and marketing advantage as a result of the Logo being on a manufacturer’s product as the logo becomes synonymous with Health offering.

Each product participating in SmarIngredientsinfo™ has a specific landing page containing detailed ingredient information and other product attributes.