We all want that glorious radiant skin & perfect figures….we oooh & aaah at celebs because they look picture perfect which gives us the perception epitome of perfection BUT what we don’t realise at these moments are the the artistic abilities of their make-up artists and off course the talented photography skills –yet they certainly have caught our attention!!!! We tend to reflect on ourselves, wanting that Radiant skin, gorgeous figures and that no wrinkles look!
So apart from the glamour that goes beyond all these photos( the fabulous magic of photo shopping)…I personally believe, beauty should come naturally!!!! A POSITIVE MINDSET + POSITIVE ATTITUDE DETERMINES A HEALTHY LIFE!!!
Let’s take a look at the wellness of our body: Are we too busy with our lifestyles that wellness of our body has been pushed aside??? It is indeed true….8-5 jobs, careers, family responsibilities, no time for gym have become priority, pushing our wellness far back (easier said than done you may think) reality is – all this takes a toll on our skin and on our image. Lack of sleep, not enough intake of water, lack of fresh fruit/veggies, stress…..all these slowly catch up and eventually show up on ourselves.
Why can’t we start taking care of our bodies and slow down on the hectic lifestyle, this may be the answer to slowing down aging and bringing that Radiancy and Glow back! Every action has a reaction… similarly what we put into our bodies and how we decide to take care of the wellbeing of ourselves impact massively. Stress plays a major role, skin begins to look sallow, dull, overeating leads to overweight issues before we know it exercise/gym becomes a dream rather than actual , the circulation flow decreases and lethargy sets in….all this leads to a low energy level- mentally and physically.
So how does one retract themselves from all this, as easy as it is to say rather than actually doing it all, taking care of ourselves is Imperative. Taking time to slow down in life helps significantly especially if we want to see ourselves growing old healthily AND OFF COURSE BEAUTIFULLY:
- Hydrate-drink plenty of water, no one wants to look like a shrivelled up apple in years to come
- Exercise – Get off that couch- as tired as we feel, the end result of a good gym session is much more of a fantastic feeling
- Eat well, add more fruit and veggies to meals, the fresher the better
- Reduce Salt and Sugar intake
- Get enough sleep
- Meditate
- Lastly get rid of unwanted stress
It’s never too late, get yourself into a newer you! Don’t wait for New Year Resolutions…..start now!!!! Good luck!